Here is the write up by Elijah Williams for the Wasp Delta 2040 Pro with the custom clay extruding head.
Steps for Preparing the file for printing:
- These steps are untested for clay extrusion, only functioning as a way to get movement patterns onto the machine.
- Set up Machine Profile in Cura 5.7.2. Set Material as [generic PLA]. Load our default printer profile (stored in the Cura Settings Folder on this Github)
- Slice and preview for errors and transfer to USB.
Steps for Operation:
- Turn on Printer on switch at the back of the machine, confirming the black Ethernet plug at the top of the printer head is connected. There should be no clay pipe or clay itself flowing into the head at this point.
- Auto Home the machine, bringing it up to it's max height. It will be a little scary but it will not crash!
- Set the MAX Z Height in the Prepare Sub-Menu to the TOP of your work surface. If you fail to do this, the printer WILL crash into the bed. :/
- Load your file
- Dry run WITHOUT any clay to confirm your Z is set correctly. Stop the print if the first layer looks good.
- Speed can be edited in TUNE -> Speed. It is a proportion of the speed set by you in CURA. Same with flow, which is a proportion of the (I don't know what but it has to be something). These variables can be edited live to improve flow but should be improved in the slicing profile instead of edited live everytime the machine is set up.
Good luck and have fun!
Note to refer for Cura Settings to update.
V1 is stored in the Cura Settings folder Cura Set Up.
Notes I followed for Cornering Guides etc etc